I don't think the curves add significantly (exponentially) ... but just incrementally... but really, due to diagonal movement, i don't think it's different much incrementally either. If you want to see if it's z-axis, go remove all the ramps on the hillside to the top of your this z-level. If you remove access of your dwarves to the top, it should shortcut pathfinding considerably. :) alternatively, you could have a single stair to that level, which would still help significantly. IMHO.
well... truly, his entrance is a mere 5 squares wide. As all the creatures spawn on the far west, they'll all happily, (and quickly) march down towards the traps. I lost several dwarves implementing these defenses for Laurion... but i believe it's well worth it :)
[Message edited on 2007/10/15 at 07:47 by vaevictus]
Submitted: 2008-11-04 (View movie)
it was indeed Left. you can be sure by finding out which side of the map is the source and which is the sink.
Submitted: 2007-11-09 (View map)
naw ... removing ramps may remove some of the possible paths. I don't have any idea what algorithm Toady uses, so I've no idea whether it's effective.
Submitted: 2007-11-09 (View map)
note that it's a *lot* more work to get wagons through when you've got a forest that tight :)
Submitted: 2007-11-08 (View map)
I don't think the curves add significantly (exponentially) ... but just incrementally... but really, due to diagonal movement, i don't think it's different much incrementally either. If you want to see if it's z-axis, go remove all the ramps on the hillside to the top of your this z-level. If you remove access of your dwarves to the top, it should shortcut pathfinding considerably. :) alternatively, you could have a single stair to that level, which would still help significantly. IMHO.
Submitted: 2007-11-08 (View map)
yeah... i can see plenty of Mediterranean-like features... Sicily, the Nile, maybe the sahara. :)
Submitted: 2007-11-01 (View map)
I think i count 3 ocean vents :)
Submitted: 2007-10-18 (View map)
Tower caps can grow to "the tree line" ... which the wiki says is 110 units from the cliff face.
Submitted: 2007-10-16 (View map)
or bridges.
Submitted: 2007-10-15 (View map)
well... truly, his entrance is a mere 5 squares wide. As all the creatures spawn on the far west, they'll all happily, (and quickly) march down towards the traps. I lost several dwarves implementing these defenses for Laurion... but i believe it's well worth it :)
[Message edited on 2007/10/15 at 07:47 by vaevictus]
Submitted: 2007-09-27 (View map)
not really, it's just inspired, somewhat, by Steeltomb
Submitted: 2007-09-27 (View map)
what ... is that the dwarf aeronautics and space administration's control center?
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