DF Map Archive

User info for kenken244




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Favourites: 7

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  • One-way passage example - Using ramps to create a one-way passage. When a ramp is constructed under a flo...
  • Aki\'s Trance - Akigagak goes crazy on some goblins with his axe. I only started the video half...

Comments: 4

Submitted: 2010-04-04 (View movie)

Actually, having tested this in arena mode, adamantine weapons are still incredibly powerfull with the exception of bludgeoning weapons

Submitted: 2009-11-17 (View map)

Unfortunatley, my save file for this map got corrupted, and I did not make any backups, so I will not be able to continue this fort.

Submitted: 2009-11-05 (View map)

Here's a screenshot during the winter just before 123:

A BBCode picture

Submitted: 2009-10-11 (View map)

Here's a few Visual Fortress Screenshots from 119:
A BBCode picture
Yes, the bridge has the [STOUT] tag.
A BBCode picture

[Message edited on 2009/10/11 at 04:03 by kenken244]

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