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Comments: 5

Submitted: 2008-06-15 (View movie)

good job with the statue of urist the redeemer on top of the island :P

Submitted: 2008-05-10 (View movie)

hehe they don't seem to have bothered stopping off, gotta get those goods unloaded :P

Submitted: 2008-04-11 (View movie)

what is this? your miners didn't dig out the gems in that bauxite? or do you have a dwarven departure lounge or something for the nobles/moodies?

Submitted: 2007-12-02 (View movie)

lol, mosus nekutdatan, Arson has burned up in magma :P

Submitted: 2007-09-16 (View map)

hmm why is the farmer loitering around in the bars and blocks stockpile outside the magma industry? is farming season off or something?

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