I could never use your geometric layout because it would drive me insane, but it looks like it's pretty damn quick for the little hairy midgets to use.
I was straight copying your moat up until i noticed your channels going around the bridges *through* the river. How did you do that? Can you dig out channels while the water's frozen or something?
Also I am just plain fascinated by the anti-flood loops. I have no idea how those things work.
Submitted: 2007-06-25 (View map)
I could never use your geometric layout because it would drive me insane, but it looks like it's pretty damn quick for the little hairy midgets to use.
I was straight copying your moat up until i noticed your channels going around the bridges *through* the river. How did you do that? Can you dig out channels while the water's frozen or something?
Also I am just plain fascinated by the anti-flood loops. I have no idea how those things work.
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