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@banna It's been about two months now. @Markavian There's some on page 9 of the thread (see below). I now realize that I should say that this is an active succession game, which can be found here. [Message edited on 2010/07/07 at 01:39 by Sizik]
The world, appropriately enough, is named MapTiles. Mostly so that it'd be easy for me to find for map exporting.
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::shrug:: I guess I didn't need this space after all!
Submitted: 2010-07-07 (View map)
It's been about two months now.
There's some on page 9 of the thread (see below).
I now realize that I should say that this is an active succession game, which can be found here.
[Message edited on 2010/07/07 at 01:39 by Sizik]
Submitted: 2010-03-16 (View map)
The world, appropriately enough, is named MapTiles. Mostly so that it'd be easy for me to find for map exporting.
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