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  • Aquifer.cmv - Penetrating an aquifer without ice or stone. Breaking the laws of physics.

Comments: 7

Submitted: 2008-03-15 (View map)

Thanks Dorten, Markavian` and Flok
Beautiful, but not enough to my mind. Thus i had started the construction of a Temple, hoping some come to pray and offer.
But I was building defences too late. And after a well shut down invader wave, a second successfully sneaked into my fort while i had everyone inside.
Looks like they dodged traps, and they killed a lot civilians. I had 8 (3 as Master skilled) wrestlers, but half died. I was surprised that they were well equiped (iron everywhere).
Moreover, i did't have enough microline to finish the outerwalls. Plus, this is really boring to build the walls on slopes.
All in all, i decided to restart a similar fort elsewhere. As this is my first fort starting this version, and first "good looking" fort, i had good experiences. I will keep those new data in mind to design the new.

[Message edited on 2008/03/15 at 07:05 by Panda_]

[Message edited on 2008/03/15 at 07:05 by Panda_]

Submitted: 2008-03-09 (View movie)

That looks like a water gun.

Submitted: 2008-03-06 (View map)

Everything under the level 13 is alright.

level 9: Maybe you would plan more on those sleeping rooms. I wouldn't like all those people walking in my room while i sleep.

I don't like the layers above 12.

Submitted: 2008-03-04 (View map)

Dommage, il manque quelques commentaires.

Pas grand chose ŕ dire donc, si ce n'est que le design est bien étrange.

Submitted: 2008-01-15 (View map)

This is stairway to Heavens.
Whoever come in have access to the whole fortress.

I can only hope that invaders would be stopped before reaching it... or else it would be a mess to defend the fortress.

Submitted: 2007-12-24 (View map)

I'm miles away from those engineering skills, and i've a lot of questions:
How could you know the water was going from O to E ?
What did you originally construct at the entrance of your fortress ? Did the water flow under ?
What is the purpose of the water pumps ? Could you have the same benefit changing them into floodgates if your fortress was a level below ? If i follow the water route in the fortress, i see that it irrigates farms before falling into some other pits. But you don't have any mechanism to remove those stagning waters. How do you control the quantity of water send to the farms ?
I don't see any grouped food processing area. I thank it was important early. But you have small very distinct area (some small dining rooms, 1-2 stills with a small food stock pile nearby, a second food stockpile). Why ?
The sphere is perfectly designed. How did you ?

[Message edited on 2007/12/24 at 10:29 by Panda_]

Submitted: 2007-12-15 (View map)

I'm not surprised that you find it really organised.
This is an architecture than I've designed and improved a lot during my firsts forts.
However this is the first time that i build so big "rooms". Previously, i was still believing that 7x7 rooms collapsed (remind old versions). The previous organisations were even tighter, because i didn't let space between rooms. Now this looks a lot better. I'm quite proud of it actually.
Even if i suspect that a lot of dwarfs will wander in the floor level. I'm changing to .33f version. Sieges works, i need a lot of immigrants to have haulers and a decent military (the barrack will be close to the Well).
More to come. This time i will not abandon that fortress.

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