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Comments: 2

Submitted: 2008-11-12 (View map)

Damn you, you're tempting me to play again! I was waiting for some major updates before I'd return =)

Nice work, and a good find - I recommend building a wooden paling around the mouth of the fortress. You could then later make the front wall two storeys high to connect it to the upper wall, and even roof it, turning it into an enclosed fortress-bunker built into the hillside. Think of it like a hobbit-hole from hell.

Edit: Wow, the shape of the place is awesome.. A big hole beside a mountain.. You could turn it into a tiered inverse spiral, like a quarry, with homes built into the sides and an amphitheatre arena, showroom or garden at the bottom.

[Message edited on 2008/11/12 at 04:03 by Jakkar]

Submitted: 2008-03-14 (View map)

That's a lot of dead Dwarves. I salute you.

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