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Comments: 8

Submitted: 2008-12-21 (View movie)


Submitted: 2008-11-24 (View movie)

Parched yes? The shame of families? haHHAha, I could go for a drink.

Submitted: 2008-11-24 (View movie)

Congrats to his initiation, and that is a very nice jail in the corner there.

Submitted: 2008-10-28 (View movie)

Those warm paddles won't save em now!

Submitted: 2008-10-18 (View movie)


BUT, do all the items just go down the drain when the water is emptied? or does the grate block all the items and corpses from going to the brook?

(Haha, the captha says DEMONLOBSTER)

Submitted: 2008-10-15 (View movie)

Hahaha. Too bad you can't mod in an explody suicide creature, or better yet, suicide explosive dwarves (Luckily, dwarves are already suicidal). It would be all "You wouldn't like it when Urist gets angry!" *BOOM*

Submitted: 2008-06-23 (View movie)

Good luck! *wink wink*

Submitted: 2008-06-17 (View movie)

thats hip...


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