Like I say here and there, after I found my embark wagon at the bottom of the ditch... I decided right there and then I wanted the entrance of my fort to eventually become what it has. It took a good bit of work and much Fun was had. I learned some things the wiki doesn't yet explain... for example, stairs stop water pressure and I had to wait until a couple winters later to fix the problems that came up because of that. But like I said, twas Fun.
Submitted: 2011-05-09 (View map)
Thanks, Markavian.
Like I say here and there, after I found my embark wagon at the bottom of the ditch... I decided right there and then I wanted the entrance of my fort to eventually become what it has. It took a good bit of work and much Fun was had. I learned some things the wiki doesn't yet explain... for example, stairs stop water pressure and I had to wait until a couple winters later to fix the problems that came up because of that. But like I said, twas Fun.
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