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Now THAT is an efficient death machine.
I really love maps like this. The forts that are sprawling, but also have to be built with a mountain feature in mind.
That is strange, and awesome.
The first thing that came to mind, only with goblins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3BN4YWX8Co
I like the brook flowing through your fort.
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::shrug:: I guess I didn't need this space after all!
Submitted: 2009-07-01 (View movie)
Now THAT is an efficient death machine.
Submitted: 2009-06-10 (View map)
I really love maps like this. The forts that are sprawling, but also have to be built with a mountain feature in mind.
Submitted: 2009-06-05 (View movie)
That is strange, and awesome.
Submitted: 2009-05-29 (View movie)
The first thing that came to mind, only with goblins.
Submitted: 2009-05-29 (View map)
I like the brook flowing through your fort.
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