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Comments: 6

Submitted: 2008-07-22 (View movie)

This reminds me of the bunny from Monty Python.

Submitted: 2008-07-05 (View movie)

Ghost lights...


Submitted: 2008-07-05 (View movie)

Honestly though, I'm envious of you. You found this without knowing about it, and therefore you get this wonderful experience.

I learned about it beforehand, and therefore my first time was spoiled.

Submitted: 2008-07-04 (View movie)

Something tells me you'll still be burying them there.

Submitted: 2008-06-03 (View movie)

You said epic, I assumed you won. That was a royal beatdown.

Submitted: 2008-06-02 (View movie)

Did you have a mass suicide or something? I remember your other video of a suicide, that one had a lot of blood too.

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