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Submitted: 2007-11-18 (View movie)

Yeah, there were four legendary siege operators with a stash of ballista bolts behind them at the ready. Unfortunately, the quality of the parts determines the accuracy, and the operator skill determines the loading speed, so I had highly inaccurate ballista miniguns.

Submitted: 2007-11-16 (View map)

Starting to run into problems. Lots of dwarves are becoming unhappy due to wearing tattered clothing, something I can't really help, and a few of them snapped after a child went fey with a near impossible set of demands. After not getting his precious raw crystal, the kid promptly went into the dining room and starved to death on one of the tables, which made the legendary metalsmith freak out and cave an engraver's chest in. An elite wrestler followed suit, and now both of them are sentenced to at least two months in prison with an extra sprinkling of beatings for the metalsmith. Also totally forgot to add this stuff to the upload description.

Submitted: 2007-11-15 (View movie)

I still don't know why the goblin leader is a human pikemaster.

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