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Comments: 4

Submitted: 2008-07-06 (View movie)

You can designate that whole 'donkey foal + cow calf area' as a refuse stockpile. That way no one will be slowing down the party to go grab a donkey head and move it somewhere else.

Also, that's hilarious.

Submitted by: Benitosimies - 2008-03-15 - Removed

Submitted: 2008-03-09 (View map)

re: the Dead Mechanic

It helps to build a lever first, and put it at least 4 tiles on the side you want him to close the door from, then link it to the flood gate, then have someone pull it when he gets out of there. Alternatively you could figure out something with pressure plates.

Submitted: 2008-03-08 (View map)

Maybe it's only because I'm new but I'm vastly impressed with this. You should put it on a T-Shirt.

PS The barbican thing with arrow slits by the drawbridge is a nice touch.

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