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Comments: 3

Submitted: 2009-05-31 (View map)

Yes, but I assumed that if he stood in magma, he'd die from burns instead of heat, no?

Submitted: 2009-05-30 (View map)

I just forbid the area all around it so nobody, especially hunters, goes near it and causes a Fire Imp to attack again. There isn't anything above it that the dwarves need, except for the red sand right next to it, which I've dug an underground tunnel up to so they don't need to go outside to get it anymore.

It wasn't even the fire that I was all that worried about, it was the dumb dwarves who kept trying to pick up their still flaming dead friends.

Submitted: 2009-05-29 (View map)

I didn't even think of that, sneakeypete, but it doesn't matter now - the brushfire toasted the wagon and I made the dining room the new meeting area.I never lost more than the first miner to carp, anyway. I guess I just got lucky.

[Message edited on 2009/05/29 at 11:22 by AttorneyAtLawl]

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