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Additional note: The thief is stealing a shoe that the elf was wearing when her leg was still attached.
Note that at the end, a kobold stole one of the shoes that the last elf was wearing.
This is the wrong one too! Damned DF didn't save my demo! D:
Ugh. Wrong video uploaded. Stupid DF demo recording >_>
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::shrug:: I guess I didn't need this space after all!
Submitted: 2008-08-18 (View movie)
Additional note: The thief is stealing a shoe that the elf was wearing when her leg was still attached.
Submitted: 2008-08-18 (View movie)
Note that at the end, a kobold stole one of the shoes that the last elf was wearing.
Submitted: 2008-08-17 (View movie)
This is the wrong one too! Damned DF didn't save my demo! D:
Submitted: 2008-08-17 (View movie)
Ugh. Wrong video uploaded. Stupid DF demo recording >_>
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