Bodice Tempests - 1065 Early Autumn by Markavian

Map Description:

Point of Interest: Farm Castle

This small castle with six battlements handles the farming for the main fortress. It has a side door which links to the river for milling purposes. At either end of the river raised bridges act as large doors blocking this area off from the rest of the map.

The farmer's castle has workshops, kitchens and stills for handling the fort's food supply. - Markavian

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-03-12

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Submitted by: Dark Sprite - 2007-08-26 to 1065 Early Autumn

Your fort looks awesome. Did you plan to dig out the whole castle beforehand?

Now I got to try and make a castle next time. =)

Submitted by: Markavian` - 2009-03-12 to 1065 Early Autumn

I was trying for the "open outdoors" feeling inside the mountain, I had partly planned the main fort and then started expanding it for farming and mining.

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