Helllantern - 244 Early Spring by Retales

Map Description:


Helllantern has risen from the ashes! The fort is now secured, morale has been restored and the population is increasing. The King arrived after hearing adamantium had been discovered and now the population is up to 50.

Also several improvements have been made. Unfortunately I don't think there's any magma (other than the underground vault pools) in this area.

Point of Interest: Statue garden with engravings

The statue garden has been fully engraved by my legendary engraver. Most of the pictures seem to be about demons striking a menacing pose. The engraver has also smoothed out most of the other parts of the fort. - Retales

There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2011-04-28

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Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2008-12-18 to 242 Mid Spring

This fort is looking nice, except for the dead bodies and everything, but KEEP IT UP. You must SURVIVE.

Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2008-12-18 to 242 Late Spring

Yah! Migrants! :):):):):):):):):)

Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2008-12-18 to 242 Late Spring

How did those migrants sneak by the Elfs? :p

Submitted by: Retales - 2008-12-19 to 242 Late Spring

Honestly, I don't know. They (the elves) didn't seem to come towards the fort after they were discovered, even though the route was clear then. A few migrants and some animals got shot, but most of them got past the elves. And I could wall the entrance shut no problems after they were in, and the elves were still in the same position as when they were detected.

Hooray for that :]

Submitted by: Krystal - 2011-04-28 to 241 Late Winter

Walking in the presence of giants here. Cool tihnikng all around!

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