Helllantern - 242 Late Spring by Retales

Map Description:

The final hour.

[Update] Reached summer. Luckily, (but I don't understand how) most of the migrants made it to the fort. Only three dwarven casualties plus a few pets. I sealed the fort, so the dirty elves won't be getting in anytime soon.

Now the population count is 28, with 6 of them wounded. Only two dwarves are very unhappy.

Point of Interest: 6) Problem solved

Yep, solved it. Pumped the water from above with screw pumps and built floors. Quite painless :P - Retales

There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2011-04-28

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Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2008-12-18 to 242 Mid Spring

This fort is looking nice, except for the dead bodies and everything, but KEEP IT UP. You must SURVIVE.

Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2008-12-18 to 242 Late Spring

Yah! Migrants! :):):):):):):):):)

Submitted by: ToonyMan - 2008-12-18 to 242 Late Spring

How did those migrants sneak by the Elfs? :p

Submitted by: Retales - 2008-12-19 to 242 Late Spring

Honestly, I don't know. They (the elves) didn't seem to come towards the fort after they were discovered, even though the route was clear then. A few migrants and some animals got shot, but most of them got past the elves. And I could wall the entrance shut no problems after they were in, and the elves were still in the same position as when they were detected.

Hooray for that :]

Submitted by: Krystal - 2011-04-28 to 241 Late Winter

Walking in the presence of giants here. Cool tihnikng all around!

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