Closedbolts - 308 Mid Summer by Maltay

Map Description:

My first highly successful fortress. Probably the fourth fortress overall. Chose a site with magma, trees, mountains, fresh water, and adamantium. This fortress was started in the year 300, eight years ago.

Point of Interest: Sewer System

The Sewer System took four years to complete. It utilizes more than two-hundred mechanisms and levers. - Maltay

There are 7 comments for this map series, last post 2008-12-09

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Submitted by: Ashery - 2008-12-06 to 308 Mid Summer

I'm not sure how effective those ballista towers will be due to the fact that a) the operators will most likely run away before getting a single shot off and b) even if they did get a shot off, won't there be an incredibly high risk of friendly fire?

Submitted by: Ilmuri - 2008-12-06 to 308 Mid Summer

Hmm, the apartment block looks good, although I imagine the inhabitants will not like the traffic going through their rooms. :P
Hiding the stones lying in the sewer canals could be a wise decision.

Submitted by: Maltay - 2008-12-07 to 308 Mid Summer

I marked all of the stone in the sewer system hidden. I also modified the doorways for the apartment complexes so the bedrooms are no longer general traffic area. Finally, modified the ballista towers at the outer entrance to face east flanking the tunnel to the inner entrance. The palisade for my outdoor farming willo funnel invaders.

[Message edited on 2009/04/02 at 12:40 by Maltay]

Submitted by: Timothy - 2008-12-08 to 308 Mid Summer

That sewer system is epic. The only thing I would advise security wise, is some hatches over the stairs, so any successful invasion could be contained on a single floor until it can be dealt with. If you already have them, sorry, I'm not particularly adept at identifying things from the ASCII pictures yet.

Submitted by: Maltay - 2008-12-08 to 308 Mid Summer

I installed rock floor hatches over every staircase.

[Message edited on 2009/04/02 at 12:40 by Maltay]

Submitted by: dizzyelk - 2008-12-08 to 308 Mid Summer

Its a lot more organized than my fortresses. Is lvl 13 for expansion? I'd imagine the noise from that and the workshops on lvl 14 would give your dwarves sleeping on lvl 12bad thoughts?

[Message edited on 2008/12/08 at 07:24 by dizzyelk]

Submitted by: Maltay - 2008-12-09 to 308 Mid Summer

I filled the rest of level 12 with apartment blocks. However, I am already close to my population limit, 170 out of 200. Levels 13 and 14 will probably remain empty.

In the future I will emphasize aesthetics alongside efficiency. I was inspired by Lord Dullard's Reinhammers.

[Message edited on 2009/04/02 at 12:43 by Maltay]

[Message edited on 2009/04/02 at 12:44 by Maltay]

[Message edited on 2009/04/02 at 12:46 by Maltay]

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