Ivycave - 1058 by KiTA

Map Description:

Note the Elephants coming in from the north. They will be captured, slaughtered, or both. My magma traps are coming along very well, I anticipate by the time I am able to see my first sieges I will be able to end it in a wave of fire.

Things are going very well. I still haven't even built a farm, I am so reliant on trading away mad elephants to the Humans for meat, as well as butchering the hordes of Elephants that come my way. The few plump helmets I do grow are immediately turned into alcohol.

Point of Interest: Elephants from the North

Elephants crossing the river head east towards the fortress where the only entrance is a snaking set of traps and cages. - Markavian

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2007-05-28

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-05-28 to 1058

KiTA, really liking the neatness and layout of your fortress rooms - and the mirrored snake trap corridors at the front of the fortress. I bet trading with you is a doddle for foreigners.

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