Galleymaster - 105 Late Spring by Salmeuk

Map Description:

Beginning of 3rd year. I got a lot done this past year, such as mining out the main fortress and completing the entrances. Total population is about 60, with a 15 strong completely inexperienced military. No ambushes yet, except for a couple kobolds.

Point of Interest: My Hunter

He missed. - Salmeuk

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2008-11-27

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Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-11-24 to 104 Early Spring

I'm interested on how awesome this fort will turn out. Any plans to build the dwarven "Golden Gate" to cross the ocean?

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2008-11-27 to 105 Late Spring

I might add a bridge later on, with the nobles situated in the middle. The tunnel works out nicely for now, though the whole fortress is quite inefficient.

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