lolokkokeb - 1055 Early Winter by osdeath

Map Description:

My second big fort, bigger hallways this time, 78 dwarves, hopefully in a migration or twos time i should have an economy, seemingly no ore of any kind so far, everything I've made has been from buying steel & iron stuff from caravans, melting it, then reforging it, or from quartzite (minus a few mica things here or there)

no sieges as of yet, or anything of any excitment what so ever, which is a shame, i had a bronze colossus stumble into one of my cage traps within 30 seconds of coming on the map

my arena (the bit above where i keep all the animals in cages) never actually got used, since the animals just wander out the other exit (which i plan on blocking with a floodgate) and down into hte mines, anyway, i've rambled on and taken up far to much of your time reading this, so any suggestions welcome (mainly uploaded this to show some people i know)

Point of Interest: Just northwest...

Just northwest of this one is the trade depot, currentley witha dwarven caravan there, just a tile north of the trade depot, the whiteish X you can see is a flood gate, eventuall this will be a backup flood defence, so if all else fails i can flood the fort and kill any goblins etc - osdeath

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2008-11-19

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Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2008-11-17 to 1055 Early Winter

Points of interest always make a map more interesting to look at.

Submitted by: osdeath - 2008-11-18 to 1055 Early Winter

yes i've been haveing trouble pin pointing them in the right place, they always seem to overshoot where i want them to be, i'll stick some in now

Submitted by: Krash - 2008-11-18 to 1055 Early Winter

The point of interrest seems to work - Nice

Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-11-19 to 1055 Early Winter

Overshoot? :) points of interest center on the red square. Does that help?

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