The Citadel of Artifice - 155 Early Spring by Teeto_K

Map Description:

A year has passed. Much is the same, some is different. Indecision about the nature of our main entrance runs rampant. The army has changed their duds, and the immigrants are soon to be coming and we're out of wood to make them beds with.

Here's hoping the Elves bring logs instead of cloth. Or at least a giant desert scorpion.

Point of Interest: Food Production: Redesigned

This last year our initial kitchen facilities and food storage areas finally reached their limit. Thusly, this floor, and the ones directly above and below have been revamped and recommissioned for the more effective storage of food.

On the floor below, careful placement of meal stockpiles and designation of traffic flows prevents damage to the finely crafted meals our resident cook, Drumcloister, has spent 4 long years perfecting the art of.

On the floor above, our new resident planter Racksquare (An industrious dwarven lass who stepped up to allow Palacelast to move on to other pursuits, as is traditional in our fortress), has been tasked with adding bizarre and exotic surface fare to our diet. That floor has also been designated for the storage of all cooking ingredients, ranging from Cheeses to Tallow, and also, our new steady supply of meat. - Teeto_K

There are 8 comments for this map series, last post 2008-12-10

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Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2008-11-08 to 154 Early Spring

Like the gardens, and the butchers area. Nice fortress.

Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2008-11-15 to 155 Early Spring

Just a heads up, you'll need to remolded your above ground ramp, it won't work as it is. you need to have at least 2 tiles of flat space on each level between the ramps Wider steps basically. Its because the entire caravan has to be on the current z level before it can go up another.

Disregard this if your not planning on letting caravans up it though.

Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-11-15 to 155 Early Spring

hahah! I should use a "fireball dodging dog" to catch imps on my next fort.

Submitted by: Teeto_K - 2008-11-15 to 154 Early Spring

OOh, thanks for the tip on the ramp. Yeah, the plan is to floor over and wall off the old entry in favor of the new one.

Submitted by: Dorten - 2008-12-07 to 155 Early Spring

"Its because the entire caravan has to be on the current z level before it can go up another."

Err... where did you get this noncense?

Cool fort, btw.

Submitted by: Teeto_K - 2008-12-10 to 156 Early Summer

He means the entire wagon, not the whole caravan. So you need enough room for a wagon to rest on flat ground: 2 ground tiles, and 1 ramp tile. I went with 3 and 1 just for fun.

Submitted by: Zaltanek - 2008-12-10 to 156 Early Summer

I do not think that is the case, but I could be wrong if its in the new version. In previous versions I was able to have ramps side by side with nothing in between and it worked out fine for caravans. This may nor work if the caravan has to do any turns though.

Submitted by: Teeto_K - 2008-12-10 to 156 Early Summer

I could test it. Fairly easily. The catch is, I think this siege prevented my human caravan this year. I could set up the ramp for the dorfs, save, then see, then savescum.

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