A year later. I'm experimenting with Giant Cave Spider harvesting rooms. I've heard they will spit gatherable webs, but coaxing them to do so has proven hard. All I know from research is they need a path.
Overlooking the chasm. It was a useless alcove for naked mole dogs, so I figured I would use it. - joshdw4
There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2008-11-11
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Submitted by: Doppel - 2008-11-09 to 336 Late Spring
I like it so far.
Keep it up 'cause i suspect i'm also housing a GCS and seeing that i never dealt with any i wouldn't have the slightest clue on how to handle it and make it produce deliciously expensive cloth. (I'm already training a dyer, weaver and clothier, better be worth it ;))
Submitted by: Alex Encandar - 2008-11-09 to 336 Late Spring
Awesome kitty killer design, I was just wondering about such a system since I recently discovered a cave...after living in my fortress for 25 years...massive web though, it's not giant, just 25 years worth of tiny spiders working.
Tower caps require ground to be muddied, best way to do this is the divert some water to the area. Not all is lost though, you could easily designate your current places as ponds, if you have enough dwarves and buckets that should muddy the ground enough to get some trees growing. Guess I'll upload my fortress in a sec, named Fountaintomb btw.
Submitted by: joshdw4 - 2008-11-10 to 336 Late Spring
Well, for some reason, up near the surface, I had a temporary farm under an overhang. After I removed the farms, tower caps and plants started spontaneously growing. I had assumed this would work again. So now I'm baffled as to why it worked near the surface.
Buckets! I always forget about ponds filled by buckets. Thanks.
@Doppel- Well when you see it escape and wipe out my fortress you'll know what not to do. Heh, I'm hoping to make a way where I don't have to reload the spider into cage traps all the time. We'll see.
Submitted by: Tiny Dwarf - 2008-11-10 to 336 Late Spring
Never tested this; but you ought to be able to harvest the web that's floating in empty space by building floors under it so the dwarves can walk out into it.
Warning, may provoke cave spider!
Submitted by: joshdw4 - 2008-11-11 to 337 Late Autumn
Actually the best way is to build a wall one level beneath. Both floors and bridges on the same level disturb the silk. I started doing this in last year I uploaded.
[Message edited on 2008/11/11 at 02:23 by joshdw4]