Tomeholes - 1060 Mid Autumn by Zaltanek

Map Description:

This map started with only the brook and and a few small pools. I wanted to see what it would take to create a reservoir. It turned out to be far more difficult that I thought to generate enough water to flood the area.

Point of Interest: Failed pump system 2

I was hoping that I could create a pump that would generate more water than it used. Unfortunately it did just the opposite. It consumed water instead of producing it. I tried a few configurations and all failed. It now languishes unattended in an off possition. - Zaltanek

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2008-11-12

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Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-11-11 to 1060 Mid Autumn

mmmm water projects. I've been trying different ways to get more pressure and volume out of a brook. So far I've been able to get more pressure.
-Set the pumps one space above the path they'll be filling with water.
-Make sure the drop back down into the channel (below the pumps) is only one space deep otherwise pressure wont transfer.
-Water will fill the 2-level space immediately and thrust water due to 7/7 water pressure transfer.

The more the water backs up, the more pressure will be transfered.

It's in use on

[Message edited on 2008/11/11 at 06:04 by Dakira]

Submitted by: Zaltanek - 2008-11-12 to 1060 Mid Autumn

Thanks, will try that on another map. I opened the levers to the pressure reservoir and it worked like I had hoped. There was enough water in the reservoir to flood 1 zlevel of the plain. Unfortunately the FPS dropped to 2 so I think I may abandon this fortress. In order to finish the flooding I would need to refill the pressure reservoir which will take days at 2 fps. It took around 8+ hours at 6 fps.

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2008-11/zaltanek-Tomeholes-region1-1060-25507.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
