Things had been going along fairly slowly for the citizens of Greatpit - much exploration, primarily on the lower levels, and extensive water and magma plumbing projects. In addition, the struggle to take control of the surface has begun with the opening of the underground gardens to the air (a failure, as it turns out) and the initial construction of an encircling wall of olivine. This will be an interesting engineering challenge when it finally has to cross the chasm.
Anyway, we rejoin our industrious dwarfs in the aftermath of a disastrous flooding accident...
In the event of a sudden event draining the magma pipe, these workshops will run off the large reservoir below. Which was itself created in just such an accident! - Ambivalence
There are 17 comments for this map series, last post 2009-02-14
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Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-09-03 to 319 Early Autumn
I'm in awe of how large and grand your plaza really is. It's practically eight city blocks for those dwarves.
Submitted by: Lord Dullard - 2008-09-03 to 319 Early Autumn
Simply awesome.
Submitted by: Lord Dullard - 2008-09-07 to 325 Early Summer
Double comment, woohoo.
The magma/water systems you've got set up in this fort are insane, way better than anything I've ever managed to design.
Submitted by: Ambivalence - 2008-09-08 to 325 Early Summer
Thank you both - I'm flattered. I've got a couple more projects to be trying once the water level finally recedes. :)
Submitted by: banna - 2008-09-09 to 325 Early Summer
Now this is an example of a good fortress.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-09-09 to 325 Early Summer
This is an example of a grand fortress :p
Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-09-12 to 325 Early Summer
What is the intention with the large, water filled room? Tower Cap farm?
Submitted by: Ambivalence - 2008-09-17 to 325 Early Summer
Yes, it's a tower-cap farm. Works quite well too... I've not done much more than plumbing since this map was last updated, so I'm holding off on posting another update for the time being.
Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2008-10-02 to 340 Mid Autumn
Ahh... HFS. You should be able to get some of it out without bringing hell down upon your fort. All i'll say is this: the carnage doesn't start after you reach a certain count of things being dug out. So don't be paranoid. Just afraid ;)
Submitted by: Erathoniel - 2008-10-03 to 340 Mid Autumn
Ultra epic. Even cooler is the intricate lava and water. It's scenic.
Submitted by: Claus Aranha - 2008-10-07 to 340 Mid Autumn
This is a inspiring map :-) I liked the "walk of faith"C
Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2008-10-12 to 346 Late Autumn
This map has spawned 2 favorite poi's for me.
Simply awesome, you have to update to tell us about the HFS.
Submitted by: Duke - 2008-10-12 to 346 Late Autumn
There are only two solutions to the HFS problem.
1. Turn off mining and turn on masonry on all the miners and construct a rough stone wall in the passage to the chamber, sealing it.
2. Recruit everybody, and mass them at the pits!
Submitted by: Ambivalence - 2008-10-15 to 347 Mid Autumn
Oh dear. FPS is down to 1-2fps as the water flows out... :(
Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2008-11-04 to 361 Late Spring
40+ years old? holy heck
Submitted by: Ambivalence - 2008-11-05 to 361 Late Spring
Yup, 61 years young. 'Gemmy' the Duke and 'Rosie' the Duchess have 16 kids between them...
Submitted by: Jebraltix - 2009-02-14 to 361 Late Spring
A bottomless pit, chasm, volcano, underground river, and adamantine. This is true beauty.