Steamdrill - 203 Early Autumn by Jorgon

Map Description:

One of many fortresses, except I'm actually happy for once with how it's going. We'll see how long that lasts.

Point of Interest: Primary Defenses

Just to stem the flow of expected intruders. I've already amassed quite a collection of would-be thieves and snatchers. - Jorgon

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2008-11-04

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Submitted by: Caranha - 2008-11-04 to 203 Early Autumn

Nice, tight fort. I think you can easily wall off the grotto where your trading depot is and remove those ramps for a natural defensive spot.

Submitted by: Jorgon - 2008-11-04 to 203 Early Autumn

Thanks, and that's not a bad idea, I'll probably end up doing that. I also plan on building outposts in the wilderness, just to keep everything locked down because traders have been getting slaughtered by ambushes.

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