Bustnut - 115 Late Winter by Noble Digger

Map Description:

Åblelishlum (Bustnut) at the twilight of her 15th year.

Founded in a rocky desert beside an open magma pipe, Bustnut has struggled against a near-total lack of water, absence of flux, absence of iron, sparsity of trees, and seasonal goblin and elven ambushes. No sieges have come thus far, though all the magma-containing rooms in the entire fortress have been paved with iron flooring by the good grace of narrow iron armor from our green-skinned friends.

Point of Interest: Arena

Ever heard of bear-baiting? It was where a bunch of piss-drunk british guys got together and watched war dogs fight a bear to the death!

The bear may disagree but I find this concept awesome as fuck, so I made my own gladiatorial arena for dogs. Mine wasn't very fair as I'd lower the dogs gently into the arena via a retracting platform, and then toss the goblins and elves 2 levels down so they'd land stunned and injured before 6-10 angry war dogs.

Bustnut's war dog corps was founded by the mighty Boltblade, a war dog who fought alongside an ill-fated horse foal and another dog to kill 2 elves and 3 goblins. As the first named war dog, he received special privileges and inspired other war dogs to follow in his footsteps. All told, more than 20 dogs have slain enemy combatants in the arena.

Tragically, Boltblade was crushed by a malfunctioning platform during arena maintenance :((( but his spirit lives on in the fearless war dogs of Bustnut who tirelessly patrol for kobolds and divest sissy elves of their girlish stick-wielding hands.

The upper right corner of the arena is also the left promenade drain feed, so when the magma tanks are being drained there is magma in the depressed area.

Note the theatre attached to the arena, with iron bars to protect spectators! Unfortunately, civilian dwarves are huge pussies when it comes to danger and don't feel adequately protected by iron bars or windows. As such, the only person who has watched a battle is the mayor, 'Pops', who I locked in there before a 6v12 battle (the dogs won with 2 deaths).

'Pops' shit himself the whole time. He was later recorded as saying it was "fuckin' sweet". - Noble Digger

There are 8 comments for this map series, last post 2009-09-11

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Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-10-19 to 115 Late Winter

Very Interesting fortress. I enjoyed reading all the details and it makes we look back on my desert city.

Ah memories of riots.

Also, why do the elves hate you so?

Submitted by: Ambivalence - 2008-10-19 to 115 Late Winter

Nice fortress! You maintain the wasteland splendidly. The vault is cool, and I'm going to steal your trade depot layout.

Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2008-10-19 to 115 Late Winter

Please steal everything you like! I stole a bunch of it myself. Just put your own spin on it, improve on what you see so we all get smarter!

Thanks for the comments.

Submitted by: ^^atte - 2008-10-19 - Removed

Submitted by: C File - 2009-01-09 to 115 Late Winter

I got a kick out of your jewelers' names.

Submitted by: Jebraltix - 2009-01-24 to 115 Late Winter

Looks like you spent more time on those POIs than you did building the fort itself. Favorited.

Submitted by: Riffraff - 2009-07-28 to 115 Late Winter

The text of "The Vault" has the potential to offend; might wanna tone it down a bit :P

Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2009-09-08 to 115 Late Winter

Tis all in jest, I kid because I love. Furthermore, those are the actual names of those two dwarves ;)

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2009-09-11 to 115 Late Winter

A mark of excellence.

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