Heartrazor - 208 Early Spring by juice

Map Description:

Heartrazor is a central shaft style fortress located near a desert. The main exports are skulls, used armor, used weapons, bones, blood, death, and prepared meals.

The current population is 109 and the fortress wealth is around 700,000☼.

It is currently the 8th year of the fortress.

Point of Interest: The River of Blood

6-7 of the fish in this area have titles due to the amount of dwarves, elves, humans, and other wildlife they have slain. They've been a scourge to Heartrazor since its founding, and I have yet to find a way to properly deal with them.

Methods include: Sniping, sacrificing, baiting, dropping large items on, and most recently a system to catch and drown the carp. The lake to the north of the river will be punctured which will allow the carp to flow into it. I then plan to shut the floodgate and drown the carp after draining the water out.

If I had to make a guess, I would say this group of carp currently holds over 100 kills. You can see several piles of bones and armor littered throughout the river to backup this point. - juice

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