This has been a huge season! We now have 36 dwarves, and one of our peasants created an artifact phylite scepter, decorated with phylite and phylite. Go figure.
This will be the main input/output point for all waterworks in the castle. Of course, these floodgates are connected to an emergency shut-off switch. - Yegg
There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2008-10-15
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Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-10-15 to 148 Early Spring
Who was the death trap built for?
Submitted by: Yegg - 2008-10-15 to 148 Early Spring
Once the deathtrap is complete (I still need to knock out the top floor and build the bridges), I will open up the gates up top and use it to take out sieges.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-10-15 to 148 Late Spring
Add some points of interest please :)