The dwarves have been quite productive this season. Having an additional 8 dwarves has been invaluable.
The stonecrafter has been busy making knick-knacks for the decoration-obsessed caravans. We have a nice stockpile of wood, and the nearby forests are busy regrowing.
The dwarves are happy, because the "animal caretaker" has been assigned to brew drinks for them. It looked bad for a while. The pools dried up because we've had no rain, and the brook froze in the winter. Not a good time to run out of booze, but we pulled through.
Our goals now are: to bring the carpenter inside the fortress, to build a stone tower over the entrance, to build a drainage system in anticipation of our well and deathtrap.
The farm is up and running, albeit slowly. Right now, there is just a big patch for plump helmets. The only full-time farmer is untrained, so he will get used to farming on this, before we add more interesting items.
You can see the remains of two temporary stills, needed to get some drinks in the mid-winter drought. - Yegg
There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2008-10-15
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Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-10-15 to 148 Early Spring
Who was the death trap built for?
Submitted by: Yegg - 2008-10-15 to 148 Early Spring
Once the deathtrap is complete (I still need to knock out the top floor and build the bridges), I will open up the gates up top and use it to take out sieges.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-10-15 to 148 Late Spring
Add some points of interest please :)