The starting point for a new fortress. Here are my goals for LungGates:
1. Survive in evil terrain. The whole mountain region is evil, so just surviving will count. It looks like zombie goats may be the biggest problem. I plan on capturing as many as possible, and making a crypt full of the undead, into which I throw people I don't like.
2. Make a cool looking castle wall for the outside. This will happen in at least three steps:
a. dwarves will cut down trees to make a small stockade to surround the initial entrance
b. replace the stockade with a little tower out of stone
c. add a bigger wall outside the tower, for strong defence. Include mini towers along the wall, possibly several gates, and plenty of room for archers. Put the depot out here somewhere.
d. get fancy! Maybe a moat?
3. Make a great death-trap entrance. As a back door to the castle, build a huge, water bottomed chasm into which people can be dropped from retracting bridges.
4. Make a cool crypt with nasty beasties to be unleashed on prisoners. Zombie goats would be a good start.
5. Make a nice, indoors well. I want it to have water year-round.
Here is the starting point for LungGates. - Yegg
There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2008-10-15
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Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-10-15 to 148 Early Spring
Who was the death trap built for?
Submitted by: Yegg - 2008-10-15 to 148 Early Spring
Once the deathtrap is complete (I still need to knock out the top floor and build the bridges), I will open up the gates up top and use it to take out sieges.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-10-15 to 148 Late Spring
Add some points of interest please :)