My latest endeavor. Complete with interesting entrance, HFS and king.
I actually took the insparation for the design of this fort from the book The Hobbit, from the old dwarven stronghold that Smaug the dragon inhabited, which had a stream flowing out of the entrance, with the road down to the lake following alongside it. Except in my case, the stream flows into the mountain. I plan to empty the stream into the HFS pit, but its occupants are a little upset about that prospect.
The fort itself is rather large, and more for show than efficiency. I used a lot of pillars and multiple 2z level high hallways in the design, to make it seem a bit more realistic, and to make it look more... dwarfy.
Its not quite finished either. Need to make a few more rooms for industry, move stuff down from outside, build the actual road, etc.
( 308 Early Spring → onwards )
Situated over a few z levels way above the main fort, close to the surface, this is where i had most stuff located in the first few years. I only recently moved the stone, wood and food industries down, and i still need to set up magma forges in the main fort. There's also a cistern to the right. - sneakeypete
There are 14 comments for this map series, last post 2010-03-22
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Submitted by: d3c0y2 - 2008-10-11 to 308 Early Spring
lovely fort, and when the river drains into the entrance it'll be magnificient. Though you'd better drain it properly otherwise it'll back up and flood your entrance/fort.
I like the 2 z level room with small magma moat. I assume thats were smaug would reside. Possibly consider capturing and taming a dragon, then assigning it to a cage/chain there.
Either way Nice work!
Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2008-10-11 to 308 Early Spring
Yeah, i was planning on letting the stream drain into the HFS. I'm just having problems with the spirits of fire though.
Submitted by: sneb84 - 2008-10-28 to 308 Early Spring
WOW dude. really impressed. i like the winding road and soon to be river down to the enterance. deffinatly something dwarves would be inclined to do. i am very impressed. looks fantastic.
Submitted by: Doppel - 2008-11-01 to 308 Mid Summer
This certainly is one of my all time favorite forts.
The road with the river flowing past it is already reason enough. Love the fort, thanks for showing.
Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-11-01 to 308 Mid Summer
I like your use of major passages and arcades, especially with the second floor. It's a nice touch that I don't see too often. I also like how you've given your dwarves lots of space for everything.
The road you have going in; fantastic! [fav'd]
Submitted by: SkulkingFilth - 2009-03-10 to 308 Mid Summer
One of the greatest Fortress i saw. Truly Cathedralish in the design and of epic proportions. A source of inspiration !
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-03-11 to 308 Mid Summer
Thanks for sharing, a great form, good planning, and a good entrance with the winding river and road leading down into the depths - well thought out and presented.
Submitted by: kotekzot - 2009-03-18 to 308 Early Spring
my, this is great. i really need to do something like this instead of always going for efficiency.
Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2009-03-25 to 308 Mid Summer
Thanks for the comments guys
@kotekzot: heh, efficiency. This fort was horrible for it.
Whenever i had a goblin ambush that i fought off at the entrance, half of the haulers would turn back for a drink/food/sleep before getting an item :p
Submitted by: CultOfTheRaven - 2009-03-29 to 308 Mid Summer
Wow. truly beautiful design.
One of the reasons that I love this game so much.
Submitted by: Myroc - 2009-03-29 to 308 Mid Summer
The word "awesome" is not big enough to describe this fortress.
Any chance you could toy around with the save?
Edit: I would also like to point out that your wagons can't pass the lever. I think.
[Message edited on 2009/03/29 at 05:45 by Myroc]
Submitted by: Retro - 2009-11-24 to 308 Mid Summer
Just wanted to say that your fort is great - and that the river in particular inspired the current huge project I'm working on. It's incredibly aesthetically pleasing.
Submitted by: Cheshire Cat - 2010-01-25 to 308 Mid Summer
i am so very impressed by the river road entrance.
the big open plan design with all the pillars, like the computer generated forts, is pretty nice as well.
you have inspired me.
Submitted by: njero - 2010-03-22 to 308 Mid Summer
Excellent design, top of the favourites list this goes.