Ulolgeshud - 1056 Early Spring by Jamini

Map Description:

Year six of the community fort Ulolgeshud.

Point of Interest: The finished (mostly) mason's shop

I did very little actual building this year, instead mostly using Diggum's skill to build lots of roofs and floors inside of what we already have. The main exception to this being the walls of the Masonry/Mechanic's workshop.

An observant person also may notice that some of the newer constructions are a different shade of gray. That is directly linked to the digging out of the tombs (which happens, coincidentally, to be in Gabbro rather than Granite.) While I may be OCD enough to dislike having bright patches of green or yellow in my walls (although underneath many of my workshops there are colored block floors you cannot see) I really don't care so much about two shades of gray within one building. - Jamini

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2008-09-29

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Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2008-09-21 to 1053 Early Spring

I like the Elf trap. . .

Seems fitting that they would die, speared through with wooden spikes.

Submitted by: Jamini - 2008-09-23 to 1055 Early Spring

Sadly enough, I don't get anything BUT elves for trading. I think it has to do with not having a liaison. It's a little annoying, since there IS a human civ on my civ's screen, and I have not once gotten to meet or trade with them.

It's either that or it may have to do with me never having successfully traded in this game once.

Submitted by: Axe27 - 2008-09-28 to 1056 Early Spring

Well, considering you only have 7 dudes.....Who would bury the last man when he died?

Submitted by: Jamini - 2008-09-29 to 1059 Early Spring

His... or her... children.

I've got a good number of them already, and I'm more than halfway to having the number of able-bodied adults growing.

This is a generational fortress in the truest sense of the word. Reallly it is.

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