Tosidkiron "Armorholy" - 1052 by BridgeBurner

Map Description:

Based on my latest fortress, Reignpulley, I decided to expand upon the medina notion and try to put most if not all of my fortress's operations within a large, decorative and symmetrical structure.

Mid-summer, 35 dorf pop. I have really kept on top of food production, so immigration has been very healthy. I actually welcome these immigrants as the grand scale of this fortress means there's plenty to do.

The map is "Untamed Wilds" which means lots of big cats prowling around outside. War Dog and Trapper attrition has been fairly high.

My 10-wide hallway is quite messy at the moment and that's intentional and temporary. In order to achieve a grand design, I'm sacrificing a lot of early-game convenience for longer term goals. Everything sitting in my hallways will have a proper home eventually.

Point of Interest: Mirror Mirror

My plan is to keep total symmetry with as few exceptions as I can manage both across the X and Y axis. You can see here my miners digging out the second dining room which will have food processing and storage that's identical to that already placed above the main hallway.

Commoner housing will be two large "blossoms" at the ends of the existing N-S 5-wide hallways. - BridgeBurner

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2007-07-21

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-07-21 to 1052

Looking good so far, always keep the big picture in mind.

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You can download the compressed map file: local_map-2-1052-15912.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
