Zenithlancers - 221 Early Winter by Ambivalence

Map Description:

Well, the way is prepared for the arrival of the Queen. Her staterooms need a little more work, but completion of the glass road means she'll probably be turning up soon.

Point of Interest: Champions out to play!

Finally! The goblins made the inexplicable mistake of sending a large siege *without bringing any crossbows along*. The fort's three champion macedwarves met them just outside the entrance after the first wave of goblins had been chopped up by the traps. 30 dead goblins later, and they've all got the fancy names they've been after. - Ambivalence

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2008-08-01

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-07-31 to 210 Mid Autumn

Yah, I like the fort, the open plaza above the bedrooms, the plumbing and the road.. although the raised sides seem a bit strange, imposing to say the least.

Submitted by: Ambivalence - 2008-08-01 to 214 Mid Autumn

Heh, thanks - the raised sides were a bit of an accident, I'd only intended to raise them one level above their surroundings, but as I started with the bottom level, I designated the level above to go the whole way, then the level above, and so on. :)

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