Torchbright - 1056 Mid Spring by nahkh

Map Description:

Torchbright, year 1056.
We've "successfully" defeated a goblin siege. We lost our entire military in the process, because the newest bridge hadn't been connected when the goblins came.
And we've just been made a county. Pop 112.

Point of Interest: Murdertown

Tonight we dine in hell. We would have been doomed if their leader hadn't jumped down into the canyon. - nahkh_

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2008-06-03

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Submitted by: Wirrit - 2008-05-24 to 1052 Early Spring

I love the defensive setup of the fort, around the trade depot. Interesting housing, as well.

Also, you found a very interesting map to use in general -- the chasm off to the left, the unholy gigantic cliff face with the river at the bottom... I approve.

Submitted by: Markavian` - 2008-05-24 to 1052 Early Spring

... and he has those GREAT butress style rooms that looks ohsocool

Submitted by: nahkh_ - 2008-06-03 to 1054 Mid Autumn

Heh, thanks for the comments.
The design is actually from an earlier fort of mine (Hammerlabored to be exact) and the map is one my friend found. We're taking turns playing it.

We're planning on extending the design to reach clear across the gorge. The entire fort so far is build out of granite blocks (Although apparently my friend has mixed some microcline in there.)

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You can download the compressed map file: 2008-08/nahkh-Torchbright-region11-1056-4093.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
