Kolegul - 1066 by Mzbundifund

Map Description:

A 50-dwarf paradise just before the (successful) assault on the pits. Mostly submitted to display a couple neat monuments and the results of several experiments.

Point of Interest: Tree Bedroom Monument

This is my best monument yet. It was constructed at the end of an ore vein, so the crooked hallway wouldn't seem to point to nowhere. The leaves are rope reed and cave spider silk ropes dyed with emerald dye, purchased slowly over several years of caravans. The pink flowers are pressure plates. The tree's trunk is a collection of wooden bridges and supports. Copper or bronze would have done just as well, but using wood just felt right. The knothole is a bed, and the branches include a cabinet and a coffer. The whole monument is zoned as a bedroom, and rents for over 25,000. - Mzbundifund

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2007-08-24

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Submitted by: Wang Commander - 2007-07-19 to 1066

Holy hell, that tree monument may be the neatest thing I've seen in DF.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-07-19 to 1066

That's stunning... putting the quality and design of your fortress ahead of lesser needs? in order to create a super fortress. Anyhow, I likes!

Submitted by: puke is not logged in - 2007-07-27 to 1066

this is just stunning. it lacks some of the "oh-my-god-thats-huge" factor of other forts, but makes up for it by being the most elegant and beautifle fort ive ever layed eyes on.

Submitted by: Mzbundifund - 2007-08-24 to 1066

Thanks all!

My computer's not the fastest, so I tend towards smaller forts with fewer dwarves. But I do like to make them pretty.

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