Undercity the Granite Citadel - 1052 by Mechanoid

Map Description:

With the new release so soon to be finished, and the improvements it will give to placing constructions, i have decided to stop working on this fortress and upload it. It's nowhere near the level of completion i would've wanted, but hey, placing those damn floor tiles one-by-one takes a while, even with the blocks on-tile.

Point of Interest: Building Complex, Top floor

What you can do with these room setups should be fairly obvious.

Appartment buildings could potentially house entire (non-noble) dwarf populations in just one structure.
The floor plan on the right can hold not only shops, but also small rooms where dwarves can own via non-rent rooms, a chest and coffer; possibly the shop keepers.

All the while, the exterior walls are covered with clear glass windows. - Mechanoid

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