Racesacks - 1065 by Lokum

Map Description:

The grand fortress "Racesacks" ( that is the translation sadly ). Soon I will plan to make an actuall race track.

This fortress has been seiged by countless elephant raids causing over 20 fatalities and horrible maiming. Some dwarves who were injured before dwarven economy had to rest serious injuries for years and a year or two after the dwarven economy set up. Thus they had no record of work to afford any bedroom and were left in the mud.

Elephants have caused several recruits to riot.

As an added note my military make a large ammount of money. But its understandable if your job literally has a 75% fatality rate.

Plans are be discussed with other dwarven leaders too 'nuke' the outside world. The device is ready, just inactive.

Point of Interest: Magma Economy and something else!

The pride of Dwarven egineering and ingeniuty; the magma workshops. Gigantic mines larger than the dwarf fortress 'liveable' area's dedicated soley for finding the ores for these machines.

And a steel bridge. Perhaps it will lead us to more 'fortunes' on the other side. - Lokum

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2007-07-15

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Submitted by: SooperNoob - 2007-07-15 to 1065

Not to spoil the mood, but that thin layer of brittle rock is holding it back quite well compared to the end of that southern branch. Nice bucket/gems btw (:P). Interesting castle layout, I can never be bothered to do circles on anything other then an enormous accident. It must be very scary seeing your money is lying around in the open, where any criminal could steal it. Not that there's ACTUAL criminals, just misunderstood craftsdwarves (;P). A DOORLESS HOTEL?! THIS IS MADNESS (

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