Pointywhips - 1073 Early Spring by Dark Sprite

Map Description:

Starting a new LUE Dwarf Fortress. Totally not what I wanted in a map but I guess I'll do my best.

Point of Interest: Where the fort will be.

I kinda miss exporting the top level but above here is where the main fort will be. - Dark Sprite

There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2008-06-25

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Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-05-31 to 1073 Early Spring

That chasm is pretty rich with minerals.

Submitted by: Gaulgath - 2008-06-01 to 1073 Early Spring

That is true. Looks like this will be a fine site for a dwarven stronghold to withstand the test of time!

Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-06-15 to 1076 Early Spring

What's with the walkway above the statued corridor and stockpile rooms- is there something special going in there?

Submitted by: Dark Sprite - 2008-06-25 to 1077 Early Spring

Oh yeah I planned to make a fancy office above the depot for the broker. It will help him by having all the items nearby and to make deals with elves by throwing goblins on top of them.

With the low amount of dwarfs right now it's hard to finish the house/tombs before they die so the office won't be done for a while.

Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-06-25 to 1077 Early Spring

Is this the "human city" challenge?

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2008-05/darksprite-Pointywhips-region1-1073-2.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
