4 years in and things are starting to shape up. The first part of the port is just about ready. Marble and magnetite discoveries are going to help our military situation quite a bit. Initial defenses are complete and we are preparing for the arrival of the Nobility soon.
Getting ready for the nose-bleeders to show up. The count/countess will be sharing dining room and bedroom. They will be quite decked out so shouldnt be an issue. The dining room will come with its own kitchen, meat locker and wine cellar. The bedroom will have 2 small studies attached. They also get a nice big bed for all the baby making going on. - Yojimbo
There are 12 comments for this map series, last post 2009-07-26
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Submitted by: Yojimbo - 2008-05-24 to 1052 Early Spring
Goldparch was founded on the mandate for a port in the region to handle a major trade route through the area. This will include a light house, port facilities, warehouses, roads leading North and East and a garrison to defend all of it.
Goldparch had a very good first year. Housing and initial production of food stuffs and building material has already gotten underway. 11 immigrants have already joined the work force and have dove right into the projects at hand. The only down spot was that the first caravan wagons coming from the North were unable to make it.
[Message edited on 2008/05/24 at 02:48 by Yojimbo]
Submitted by: Markavian` - 2008-05-24 to 1052 Early Spring
It would be very cool if you could build boats (wagons) in DF and send expeditions off. It could be an alternative to "abandonning a fort" ... you could go off and start a new outpost somewhere else.
Good work with your fort sofar.
Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-06-01 to 1058 Early Summer
Awesome. This is the first, "port-fort" i've seen.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-06-01 to 1058 Early Summer
Well themed, love the great map room.
Submitted by: Charrat - 2008-06-11 to 1061 Mid Winter
Wonderful fortress! I love all the non-functional elements, particularly the docks, map room, and lighthouse. The golden roof is a great touch.
Definately gives me the feeling that I am looking at a port city.
Submitted by: Analfish - 2008-06-13 to 1061 Mid Winter
You have inspired me to make my own port fort Yojimbo. Hopefully I will be releasing it soon.
Submitted by: Sukasa - 2008-06-16 to 1064 Early Spring
the HMS DwarfHammer is incredible! I'm very impressed with the design, it looks like a real ship!
Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-06-18 to 1064 Early Spring
still looking good. I wasn't expecting the HMS DwarHammer and now the idea of a submarine pen is in mind.
Submitted by: Krash - 2008-09-27 to 1064 Early Spring
Dwarves sailing the high seas?! This is madness!
Submitted by: Nair - 2009-01-02 to 1064 Early Spring
This is one of the most unique and awesome forts I've ever seen. Good job!
Submitted by: Myroc - 2009-07-26 to 1064 Early Spring
From now on, every fort i make that reaches at least 30 inhabitants shall have a McUrist's Pub 'n Disco.
[Message edited on 2009/07/26 at 04:45 by Myroc]
Submitted by: Lacero - 2009-07-26 to 1064 Early Spring
I like the map. Great idea.