My first fortress. Nothing special, just sharing it with my friends.
( 1061 Early Summer → onwards )
My waterfall. It took me a long time to build, because - as it seems - three sqares wide drainage is not enough to drain all the water that comes from three squares wide waterfall. Building the waterfall so it would work, and not flood my fort, costed me several attempts, three injured dwarves and a few dead animals.
Look at the meeting area below this level. In my first attempts, there was too much water coming in and this area got flooded. As dwarves came through, the water current pulled them down into the well (!!!) and then several levels down.
The moral of this story - never build well in a place where flooding could happen (such as next to your waterfall). - Markus_cz
There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2008-05-23
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Submitted by: Krash - 2008-05-15 to 1061 Early Summer
Not bad for a first. I couldn't even figure out how to mine back then
Submitted by: Markavian` - 2008-05-16 to 1061 Early Summer
Krash, what back in 1061? :-p ... I see this fortress has been running a while. I must say Markus_cz it was very studious of you to create fullsize bedrooms for all your dwarves, that must have kept you busy.
Submitted by: Markus_cz - 2008-05-23 to 1061 Early Summer
Thanks for your comments, I actually didn't expect anyone to notice my fort. ;) The fort took me I think two months of casual playing. I'm not happy with the layout though - next time I'll build something that looks more like dwarven tunnels and halls, less like an american city :)
I'm uploading a new map and adding some points of interest with comments, if you are curious.