Routpainted - 1078 Early Spring by Brown Moses

Map Description:

Routpainted Year Three - I've dug out all the interior of the Main Pod. I then realised I had no burial area so I built a mini pod for all the burials off the side of one of the connecting arms. I'll be able to balance the whole thing on one support and demolish it all at one.

Point of Interest: The Riverworks

If I attempt to flood a massively deep pit with water directly I'm sure to fail. Instead I need a system that'll deliver water as quickly as possible to avoid it drying out before it can get deep enough. The system will first have a channelled out area on one tile deep, the length of which you can currently see dug out, but it will be deepened. After that I will line it with floodgates, and on the other side dig a deep narrow pit along the length of it. At different levels there will be floodgates, allowing me to fill the pit with water, then opening the different levels to have high pressure water rapidly fill each level.
....probably. - Brown Moses

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2008-04-05

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-04-03 to 1076 Early Spring

Very interesting pod design, looks great from the side, got a load of stone to clear out though - found it hard to follow the positions of the stairs between levels.

Submitted by: Brown Moses - 2008-04-04 to 1076 Early Spring

Yeah, the stairs were a bit all over the place, mainly because of the positioning of the trade depot. I'm going to build a second pod because one pod can only really realistically hold about 30 dwarfs. I might also make the second pod much larger, and have the middle level at ground level, and build constructions on top to complete a pyramid.

Submitted by: Prometheus - 2008-04-05 to 1078 Early Spring

I can't help but be reminded of the Forward Observation Pods from the game Aliens versus Predator 2. Not that being suspended a few hundred meters aboveground in an isolated gorge helped them. Turned out that the supports the Pods were hanging from could be used by xenomorphs as an infiltration route. Needles to say, but the Pods were overrun within the hour.

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