Chaincurses - 1059 Mid Winter by Mori

Map Description:

Chaincurses is a goblin mining colony established on the orders of Uslot, Demon God of Fire, Death and Torture.

A group of goblins called The Scourge of Society (we can only guess at why they were kicked out of their home to build the outpost) was sent out to ransack a dwarven caravan, find out where they planned to build their fort, and then mine out that area looking for adamantine.

Unfortunately, they ate the pack animals and had to drag the wagon themselves. They did, however, manage to get some good advice out of the dwarf expedition leader on how to build a fortress.

Point of Interest: It's The Pits

Pretty shortly after the demonic invasion was dealt with, the Countess and her entourage of nobles arrived. She claimed that Uslot had sent her to watch over the fortress. There was no actual proof of this, or of her being of noble birth, but nobody really questioned it because she had a large and scary goblin wearing a hood and wielding a very big hammer.

For the first year or so she didn't do much beyond sit in her room, demand more idols, and make occasional poorly thought out speeches to her people.

Then, one Autumn, she demanded that they reopen the demon pits to claim the priceless treasures that surely lay within, despite reports from one of the miners who originally found the pits that the only treasures within were A) death and B) the smell of burnt meat. Upon hearing this the Countess immediately offered a share of the burnt meat to whoever would brave the horrors of the chamber.

Almost immediately a crack team of soldiers, miners and masons gathered before the chamber, despite protests from the expedition leader. Traps were assembled, and the team was sealed in by an elaborate floodgate setup. The pit wall was pierced and the goblins readied their crossbows. - Mori

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2010-05-18

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Submitted by: Johnny Utah - 2008-03-26 to 1059 Mid Winter

Awesome, I loved reading all your points of interest, and following along on the SA forums as you attempted to retake your fortress from the demons.

Submitted by: Markavian` - 2008-03-26 to 1059 Mid Winter

The statues on the tileset look awesome, and kudos, the points of interest really bring the fort to life :)

Submitted by: Cerdic - 2010-05-12 to 1059 Mid Winter

Just curious, what tileset is this?

Submitted by: Demonic Spoon - 2010-05-18 to 1059 Mid Winter


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You can download the compressed map file: 2008-03/mori-Chaincurses-region9-1059-34236.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
