So I now enter year 9. I think I'm running out of things to do? I expect an even bigger goblin siege this year, but the fort has good defenses now. I might have to build a bridge over the northern lava channel though if I need wood.
This now dead Recruit got washed down river and managed to grab a hold of the far side of an aquaduct. His luck ran out there when a giant toad sprang from the ambush and murdered him quite quickly. The toad then sat around for a while and jumped into the river when it decided there was nothing else to do. - UncleJam
There are 13 comments for this map series, last post 2007-10-19
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Submitted by: UncleJam - 2007-06-25 to 1056
Year Uncle Jam xD how do I fix this?
Submitted by: Slartibartfast - 2007-06-26 to 1056
I thought tower caps couldn't grow on smoothed floors
Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-06-26 to 1056
UncleJam, what year should it be? I can update it. User system coming soon - you'll be able to sign up and edit your own maps.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-06-26 to 1056
Slartibartfast, tower caps can't grow on smoothed floors, but the tile probably wasn't smoothed before the towercap began to grow.
Submitted by: UncleJam - 2007-06-27 to 1056
It's supposed to be 1056. I thought TowerCaps could only grow on one side of the river. Seems I was wrong. I've doored off most of the problem flood areas to reduce this now. Thanks Markavian
Submitted by: 4bh0r53n - 2007-06-27 to 1053
With you ore problem, if you extend your northenmost tunnel you will hit iron
Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-06-30 to 1058
I so have to get myself some ballistas, I'm stuck with catapults at the moment.
Submitted by: UncleJam - 2007-06-30 to 1058
Yeah, the ballistas rock, never used catapults before. The arrows fly until off map no matter what organic they hit. A word of warning: The first shot was incredibly lucky apparently, I fired off 30 more and only killed 2 more goblins. The arrows enjoy veering off course.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-07-02 to 1059
Do you have... plate mail armour for all of your military dwarves? A clear glass dome in honour of some legendary dwarf? Rubies and precious gems engraved on each of your weapons?
No? Then there is still work to be done!
Submitted by: Fedor - 2007-10-18 to 1056
Sorry to be sarcastic, but did you every think to either chop down the tree or dig a hole through a wall? One would think that dwarven lives would matter a little more than this...
Submitted by: Savok - 2007-10-18 to 1056
Probably, the dwarf went in there while he was not watching, the tower-cap grew while he was not watching, and the dwarf died while he was not watching.
Submitted by: vaevictus - 2007-10-18 to 1056
Tower caps can grow to "the tree line" ... which the wiki says is 110 units from the cliff face.
Submitted by: UncleJam - 2007-10-19 to 1056
Yeah, its hard to notice as you scroll back and forth trying to keep most of your hundred plus dwarfs happy. The only reason I noticed this was from the red background 'death' tile. I ended up fixing all the flooding problems in the dorms later on.