Letterchasm - 1057 Mid Spring by Antipov

Map Description:

The first fortress I've built that I'm really proud of: Letterchasm is truly a labor of love. Or, maybe booze. Whatever.

Point of Interest: A Gift for Quick Tekkud

I built this place because I was worried that Quick might die of water deprivation. It's a way to get water when the moat is frozen, as shown in the other Point of Interest, the water heater heats the the tiles of ice nearby, and the water flows in. However, it flooded due to water pressure this spring. Thankfully, no deaths. I'll sort this all out this winter as well as determine what to do about water in the long run. If you've got ideas, tell me. - Antipov

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2008-03-18

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-03-17 to 1057 Mid Spring

What a really great fort :)

Submitted by: cliftut - 2008-03-18 to 1057 Mid Spring

Wow, the prison/prison thing is kind of morbid. The ultimate sentence: "Here, since you think screwing up is fun, here, get reacquainted with your old buddies and think your choices over!"

I shudder

Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-03-18 to 1057 Mid Spring

clifftut, well visulised, I think it needs a side room with windows/fortifications looking through where remains and body parts get stored before burial... for extra creepiness. 3:

Submitted by: Quift. - 2008-03-18 to 1057 Mid Spring

Very nice outer keep. does your moat freeze in winter?

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You can download the compressed map file: 2008-03/antipov-Letterchasm-region1-1057-3992.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
