Silverfinders has grown much in the last years. I discovered Adamantine (Praise the Miners!) and a small cave river. And there was this patch of bare rocky felsite right beside my Gates just begging to be built over...
From winter 1056 til now my dwarves built on this. - Imeka
There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2008-02-26
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Submitted by: Gudamor - 2008-02-24 to 1058 Mid Summer
Damn impressive.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-02-24 to 1058 Mid Summer
Yeah... wow... cool artwork.
Submitted by: Gaulgath - 2008-02-24 to 1058 Mid Summer
Very neat-looking mosaic you have there.
Submitted by: Rodwin - 2008-02-25 to 1053 Late Autumn
Volcano, chasm, inner river... Do you have a seed number? ;)
Submitted by: Imeka - 2008-02-25 to 1053 Late Autumn
The world Mon Angstur, "The Plane of Myth" was created in version 27.173.38a, Seed Number 10041983.
Submitted by: Firemage - 2008-02-26 to 1058 Mid Summer
Rodwin, you have forgotten Adamantine! :D