Torchroar - 133 Late Autumn by Tharis

Map Description:

Been a long time since I did this. Fort founded in 125, so nearly 10 years old. 208 dorfs, nearly 3 million units of wealth, several goblin sieges, a titan and a forgotten beast, caverns breached and everything put together.

I sometimes like updating my forts regularly from the start so you can see the evolution, but this time I waited until the "basic" fort was complete, including library, temples, and tavern. I think this thing could run indefinitely now. I might retire it, or I might dig on for greater things.

Point of Interest: Moon

Barracks, archery towers, loads of war dogs. Haven't seen an invasion in a while, which is kind of depressing, especially with the brand new steel weapon traps in the west (from whence the goblins usually come.) The last siege was just about wiped out, so I guess I can't blame them.

The towers got taller for the sake of being tall. The roofs are of slate. I might put some offices in at some point, with windows. - Tharis

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