Life was easy at Goatcaves, for a time. Plentiful Galena deposits meant easy access to trade goods, while the surrounding pine groves provided fuel for our smithy. The thick layers of slate were chipped and carved into a massive ring of interlocking stone walls. We had a lot of goats, too.
It was winter of year 3 when he came, Azoc Urathromo Thretelhode, "Diewater the Fatal Lakes." A giant, firebreathing python the color of the lakewater from which it crawled.
Having designed a cave-in trap specifically to deal with this sort of thing, I thought little of danger and instead gleefully imagined the potential uses of such a beast. When Azoc casually strolled past my trap, I kind of just stared at the screen in shock...
Anyways we lost like thirty dwarves before finally walling off the main staircase. Literal waterfalls of blood cascade down the steps, dripping and squelching amongst the burnt, half-devoured corpses of my deceases citizens. Other than that, things are pretty good. We certainly have a lot of goats!
Not that this fortress is particularly organized, but this floor is probably the most centrally located. The barrels are all food. In the top right is the walled-off entrance to the central staircase. - Salmeuk
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